Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Shout Out For "Joy On Paper Live!" (Author Interviews With PatZi)

Long-time readers (or even short-term ones) have likely heard me lament about how difficult it is to get any kind of visibility when you're an author. Generally speaking, unless you are part of a bigger publisher who has the money and connections to buy ads and get you onto podcasts/TV/radio shows for interviews then you're relying on word of mouth, social media, and the sheer luck of the draw. Which might sound romantic, but in practice it's frustrating as all hell.

Which is why I wanted to give a shout out this week to Patzi Gil, and her attempts to help all of us rise above the noise with her show Joy on Paper Live! which is now on YouTube!

And if you haven't tuned in yet, you definitely should!

Before we get into the nitty gritty this week, don't forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get all my updates right in your inbox. Lastly, to be sure you're following all of my followables, check out my LinkTree!

Lastly, don't forget to check out my Vocal archive for additional fiction, articles, explorations of weird history, and more!

The Saga of Joy on Paper, And How You Can Help!

For those who haven't come across the show before, Joy on Paper started off as a radio program out of Sarasota, Florida hosted by PatZi Gil. She would have on a variety of authors, ranging from the very well known with folks like Clive Cussler, to independent authors and unknowns... which is how I found my way onto the program! PatZi first had me on as a guest several years ago, before most of my current novels were on the market. And it was actually this very blog that first caught her attention, and it's the reason she invited me on.

Which is why I wanted to take a moment, and help her in her current endeavor!

PatZi has been in the game for a long time, but this year she stepped away from running her program for the radio station, and she's now trying to make it on YouTube! However, as anyone who's been following my own struggle on the platform as I try to get the Azukail Games YouTube channel monetized, you know that PatZi is definitely struggling with an uphill battle.

While I outlined the changes to YouTube's platform in the video above, the short version is that you need to have 500 subscribers to your channel, and at least 3,000 hours of watched content in a 365-day span before YouTube agrees to share the ad revenue with you. Until you manage to do that, the only person making any money off of your content is them! Unfortunately, at time of writing, PatZi only has 52 subscribers on the channel, and none of the current interview streams have even broken 100 views... which is saying something, given there's no small amount of name recognition for some of the guests she's had on!

So I wanted to ask folks who read my blog to take a moment, go subscribe to Joy on Paper Live!, watch some of the interviews, and while you're there leave an upvote and a comment! PatZi has a great ability to find authors who deserve a little time in the spotlight, and she's doing her best to bring them to all of our collective attention... but you know what they say about trees that fall in the forest with no one around to see them or hear them. So let's help her get the recognition she deserves, get her channel the subs and hours it needs, and maybe even check out the works of some of the authors she's had on as guests while we're at it!

For more information about Joy on Paper's journey, check out the show's homepage, and make sure you follow Joy on Paper on Facebook as well!

Support The Literary Mercenary

If you want to see me produce more work, consider some of the following options!

The Azukail Games YouTube Channel (where I contribute video content)
My Rumble Channel (longer videos that won't show up on YouTube)

And if you happen to have some spare dosh lying around, and you want to be sure my supply doesn't run low, consider become a Patreon patron, or leaving a tip by Buying Me a Ko-Fi!

Also, if you're curious about how to write for tabletop RPGs, don't forget to check out my show Tabletop Mercenary, which you can find on both the Azukail Games channel, as well as my Rumble channel listed above!

Like, Follow, and Come Back Again!

That's all for this week's Business of Writing! For more of my work, check out my Vocal archive, or at My Amazon Author Page where you can find books like my sci-fi dystopian thriller Old Soldiers, the Hardboiled Cat series about a mystery solving Maine Coon in Marked Territory and Painted Cats, my sword and sorcery novel Crier's Knife, or my most recent short story collection The Rejects!
And to stay on top of all my latest news and releases, collected once a week, make sure you subscribe to The Literary Mercenary's mailing list

If you'd like to help support my work, then consider Buying Me A Ko-Fi, or heading over to The Literary Mercenary's Patreon page! Lastly, to keep up with my latest, follow me on FacebookTumblrTwitter, and now on Pinterest as well!

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